8:30am - 4:00pm

P: (973) 267-8000
F: (973) 267-6221

PO Box 666
21 Blue Mill Road

New Vernon, NJ 07976


Recycling Hours

Open every Wednesday

7am- Noon

7am- 9am Senior assistance


The following Saturdays- 9am- Noon

January 4th & 18th

February 1st & 15th

March 1st, 15th & 29th

April 12th & 24th

May 10th & 24th

June 7th & 21st

July 5th & 19th

August 2nd, 16th & 30th

Sept 13th & 27th

October 11th & 25th

November 8th & 22nd

December 6th & 20th



Harding Township Recycling Center

Thank You for your cooperating with our recycling efforts. Recycling is mandated by State, County and Municipal Laws. Most importantly, it benefits our community and environment, now and for the future. Fines can be assesed to those who do not comply.

By making recycling as convienient as possible, Harding hopes to boost its recycling rate and reach state goals. Our Recycling Center will maintain its expanded hours. You may continue to bring glass, plastic bottles, aluminum, and steel mixed together (commingled) in one container.

Commingled Recycles: Consists of all aluminum and tin cans, glass bottles, all plastic bottles and containers with the recycling symbol and a #1, 2, 4, 5, 7. Please try to crush plastic bottles to conserve space. Please remember no plastic or paper bags in commingled dumpsters.

Commingled Mixed Fiber: Consists of all paper, cardboard, newspaper, office paper, magazines, and books. Please put loose or shredded paper in paper bags. Please flatten all boxes or fill with other paper products, to conserve space.

Other Accepted Items: Batteries: automotive (car) and household rechargeable batteries.

                                          Automotive and light truck tires, (on or off rim)

                                          Propane tanks (BBQ size only)

                                          Fluorescent bulbs: tubular and compact, any size or shape.

                                         (handle with care)

                                          Scrap metal and metal products


E-Waste items: Consists of computers, monitors, laptops, peripherals, printers, faxes, scanners and televisions (all styles and sizes).


The Harding Township Recycling Center is located at the Township Department of Public Works Building at 8 Millbrook Road in New Vernon NJ. 

Questions call 973-267-2448  

8am-3pm Monday thru Fridays


For detailed information  on recycling please see the 2024 Recycling Brochure.